1816, 25. October.

Mit Georg Ticknor und Edward Everett

Wesent our letters to Goethe this morning, and he returned for answer the message that he would [269] be happy to see us at eleven o'clock. We went punctually, and he was ready to receive us. He is something above the middle size, large but not gross, with gray hair, a dark, ruddy complexion, and full, rich, black eyes, which, though dimmed by age, are still very expressive. His whole countenance is old; and though his features are quiet and composed they bear decided traces of the tumult of early feeling and passion. Taken together, his person is not only respectable, but imposing. In his manners, he is simple. He received us without ceremony, but with care and elegance, and made no German compliments. The conversation, of course, rested in his bands, and was various. He spoke naturally of Wolf, as one of our letters was from him, – said, he was a very great man, had delivered thirtysix different courses of lectures on different subjects connected with the study of antiquity, possessed the most remarkable memory he had ever known, and in genius and critical skill surpassed all the scholars of his time. In alluding to his last publication he said he had written his »Life of Bentley« with uncommon talent, because in doing it he had exhibited and defended his own character, and in all he said showed that he had high admiration and regard for him.

Of Lord Byron, he spoke with interest and discrimination, – said that his poetry showed great [270] knowledge of human nature and great talent in description; »Lara«, he thougt, »bordered on the kingdom of spectres; and of his late separation from his wife, that, in its circumstances and the mistery in which it is involved, it is so poetical, that if Lord Byron had invented it he could hardly have had a more fortunate subject for his genius.« All this he said in a quiet, simple manner, which would have surprised me much, if I had known him only through his books; and it made me feel how bitter must have been Jean Paul's disappointment, who came to him expecting to find in his conversation the characteristics of »Werther« and »Faust«. Once his genius kindled, and in spite of himself he grew almost fervent as he deplored the want of extemporary eloquence in Germany, and said what I never heard before, but which is eminently true, that the English is kept a much more living language by its influence. »Here«, he said, »we have no eloquence – our preaching is a monotonous, middling declamation, – public debate we have not at all, and if a little inspiration sometimes comes to us in our lecture-rooms, it is out of place, for eloquence does not teach.« We remained with him nearly an hour, and when we came away he accompanied us as far as the parlor door with the same simplicity with which he received us, without any German congratulations.


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TextGrid Repository (2012). Goethe: Gespräche. 1816. 1816, 25. October. Mit Georg Ticknor und Edward Everett. Digitale Bibliothek. TextGrid. https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-1734-0000-0006-A5C0-F