Hier eine Liste aller Projekte welche Daten in das TextGrid Repository publiziert haben.
Goethe überliefert der Nachwelt die Ansicht, man habe sein Werk „Zur Farbenlehre“ (1810) vor allem angefeindet, nur ausnahmsweise günstig aufgenommen, und es sei bald aus der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung verschwunden. Soweit das auch im Allgemeinen zutreffen mag – Berlin bildet eine Ausnahme. Hier förderte Altenstein mit dem ihm unterstellten Kultusministerium Maßnahmen zur Vertiefung und Verbreitung von Aspekten der „Farbenlehre“, indem er Wissenschaftler und Künstler unterstützte, die sich bereits um die „Farbenlehre“ verdient gemacht hatten oder Willens waren, sich Themen aus dem Bereich der „Farbenlehre“ zu widmen.
- 5983 Objekte
- Distant Reading for European Literary History (COST Action
CA16204) is a project aiming to create a vibrant and diverse network
of researchers jointly developing the resources and methods necessary
to change the way European literary history is written. Grounded in
the Distant Reading paradigm (i.e. using computational methods of
analysis for large collections of literary texts), the Action will
create a shared theoretical and practical framework to enable
innovative, sophisticated, data-driven, computational methods of
literary text analysis across at least 10 European languages.
Fostering insight into cross-national, large-scale patterns and
evolutions across European literary traditions, the Action will
facilitate the creation of a broader, more inclusive and
better-grounded account of European literary history and cultural
- 4147 Objekte
- Distant Reading for European Literary History (COST Action
CA16204) is a project aiming to create a vibrant and diverse network
of researchers jointly developing the resources and methods necessary
to change the way European literary history is written. Grounded in
the Distant Reading paradigm (i.e. using computational methods of
analysis for large collections of literary texts), the Action will
create a shared theoretical and practical framework to enable
innovative, sophisticated, data-driven, computational methods of
literary text analysis across at least 10 European languages.
Fostering insight into cross-national, large-scale patterns and
evolutions across European literary traditions, the Action will
facilitate the creation of a broader, more inclusive and
better-grounded account of European literary history and cultural
- 691 Objekte
- Distant Reading for European Literary History (COST Action
CA16204) is a project aiming to create a vibrant and diverse network
of researchers jointly developing the resources and methods necessary
to change the way European literary history is written. Grounded in
the Distant Reading paradigm (i.e. using computational methods of
analysis for large collections of literary texts), the Action will
create a shared theoretical and practical framework to enable
innovative, sophisticated, data-driven, computational methods of
literary text analysis across at least 10 European languages.
Fostering insight into cross-national, large-scale patterns and
evolutions across European literary traditions, the Action will
facilitate the creation of a broader, more inclusive and
better-grounded account of European literary history and cultural
- 691 Objekte
- The corpus contains novels written by Spanish authors published between 1880 and 1939. The original corpus contains in total 358 prose texts, however, due to copyright issues, 219 can be published currently. The corpus is designed considering the data of two authoritative Histories of Literature and each text is annotated with several types of metadata. Further details on the corpus can be found below.
- 686 Objekte
- The corpus contains novels written by Spanish authors published between 1880 and 1939. The original corpus contains in total 358, however, due to copyright issues, 219 can be published currently. The corpus is designed considering the data of two authoritative Histories of Literature. These Histories represent a specification of the population of literature of this period. A subsection of the corpus (CoNSSA-canon) can be considered a representative population of the most important novels of this period.
- 667 Objekte
- Enjoy drama with rage faces!
- 43 Objekte
- Distant Reading for European Literary History (COST Action
CA16204) is a project aiming to create a vibrant and diverse network
of researchers jointly developing the resources and methods necessary
to change the way European literary history is written. Grounded in
the Distant Reading paradigm (i.e. using computational methods of
analysis for large collections of literary texts), the Action will
create a shared theoretical and practical framework to enable
innovative, sophisticated, data-driven, computational methods of
literary text analysis across at least 10 European languages.
Fostering insight into cross-national, large-scale patterns and
evolutions across European literary traditions, the Action will
facilitate the creation of a broader, more inclusive and
better-grounded account of European literary history and cultural
- 42 Objekte
- Distant Reading for European Literary History (COST Action
CA16204) is a project aiming to create a vibrant and diverse network
of researchers jointly developing the resources and methods necessary
to change the way European literary history is written. Grounded in
the Distant Reading paradigm (i.e. using computational methods of
analysis for large collections of literary texts), the Action will
create a shared theoretical and practical framework to enable
innovative, sophisticated, data-driven, computational methods of
literary text analysis across at least 10 European languages.
Fostering insight into cross-national, large-scale patterns and
evolutions across European literary traditions, the Action will
facilitate the creation of a broader, more inclusive and
better-grounded account of European literary history and cultural
- 15 Objekte
- The corpus contains in total 358 novels by Spanish authors published between 1880 and 1939. The corpus is designed considering the data of two authoritative Histories of Literature: . These Histories represent a specification of the population of literature of this period. A subsection of the corpus (CoNSSA-canon) is considered a representative population of the most important novels of this period.
- 7 Objekte
- Für den Inhalt des Textes ist auschließlich der Autor verantwortlich.
- 6 Objekte